วันเสาร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Bitto Cheese (7 pound)

Bitto Cheese (7 pound) Review

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Bitto Cheese. PRICE PER  7/lb APPROX. This Italian Bitto Cheese  DOP is made from whole cows' milk coming from traditional cow breeds. The Bitto Cheese outside has a straw-yellow colour, which tends to becomes more intense with ageing. This Gourmet Italian Cheese is produced using traditional methods, connected with the environmental characteristics, during the period between June 1 and September 30. The name Bitto appears to be derived from an ancient Celtic word for a type of Alpine cheese coming from the valley of the same name. In more recent times, Bitto cheese has become a well known Italian Cheese in local markets, which show the maintaining of a particular cheese-making process, which is currently recognized under Italian law by a special decree which defines the requisites for the designation of origin.After the coagulating of the milk with calf rennet, making use of the spontaneous development of cheese microflora, the curd is heated and broken into lumps roughly the size of a grain of rice. The curd is then placed in traditional cheese moulds which give it its characteristic concave shape. After salting, Bitto Cheese undergoes the ripening stage, which begins in the traditional "casere d'alpe" rooms and is completed in the production plants down in the valley, following the natural march of the climate in the production area, for a minimum of 70 days, which may be followed by an additional period of ageing lasting up to several years. 

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